
Reactions to Every Action

A very loose definition of a network is any collection of things that are connected by links. The fundamental point to any network setting is that all actions will have the world react to it in some way. In other words, every action will have some sort of reaction.

One big example of this is from the most recent U.S. presidential debate. The action in this case are the 2 candidates Trump and Biden debating in such an infamously immature fashion. The reaction to this is that those who live in America wanted to leave the country, possibly in hopes for a place that would be lead by a more competent leader in their opinion.

This figure shows the recent searches for the term “move to Canada” from September 25th to the beginning of the debate on September 29th.

From the trend shown above, the spike in the graph shows the search interest relative to the popularity of the search beforehand. This means that the searches were approximately 4 times more popular than before. This hasn’t been the first time there was a spike like this, but it’s interesting to note that it happened during the debate.

This type of reaction is actually quite amusing to me, because it’s always fun to find some joy and make jokes about anything relevant to things that happen today. Plus, this got me thinking about how influential some things, or people, can be. Obviously some people will be less influential than others, but it’s those with the power to make people decide based on their ideals that can really shape this world.

In conclusion, for my last point, there is likely going to be another reaction to this event as well. Like I mentioned before, there is a reaction to every action in a network setting. I wouldn’t be surprised if suddenly airlines get some business that they’ve been lacking during the pandemic, and then rent becomes more costly in Toronto, and so on. All of these events are linked together in some sort of network.


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